28th March 2024
The River Thame is under threat from many angles including untreated sewage discharges, nutrient enrichment and predation, to mention just a few. We would like to see it returned to a clean, unpolluted river with thriving fish populations, flowing through the towns and villages between Aylesbury and Dorchester.
If you are concerned about the current poor state of the River Thame, you are invited to a meeting on
Wednesday 3rdApril 2024 at The Barns Centre in Thame,
to discuss the current state of the River Thame – but, more importantly, to also explore potential solutions with those who can help provide those solutions. Doors open at 7.00pm and the meeting will begin at 7.30pm. The meeting is open to all interested parties, so please extend this invite to anybody who may be interested in returning the River Thame to a clean, unpolluted river offering recreational opportunities to all.
The aim of the meeting is to inform local people and the local and district councils of the current poor state of the river and to explore potential solutions that could be implemented quickly to ease the current polluting load and improve the longer-term prospects of the river. If you will be attending, or would like more information, please respond to dave.wales1975@gmail.com
The items to be discussed include water quality, sewage discharges, monitoring and recreational use of the river. We hope to have representatives from Thame Town Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Thames Water, the Environment Agency and angling clubs that fish on the River Thame.
Hosted by Thame Angling Club, River Thame Conservation Trust and
Thame Valley Fisheries Preservation Consultative (TVFPC)